
Saturday 30 June 2012

Midland Monsoon continues

Crackers weather here, again. Chucking down buckets full of cats first thing. Rather put a dampener on plans to cycle along the nearby canal towpath. And then the sun came out, so we went! At points I did have to self-motivate with the mantra: 'just go straight, just go straight', as I pedalled through the muddy glop of the towpath in the shady areas. In the sunny patches it was ace riding - I flew along. Puddles were fun. But the muddy patches were not easy. My trainers are now very damp, after I had to literally scrub them clean. Wellies might have been a better option.

We exited the towpath at an ace little bakery in Earlswood called Wedges - helpfully signposted at canal bridge number 20! Two ginormous sandwiches (and a humungous muffin) later, we headed back to Shirley by road, dropping to say hello to our friend working at Red Kite Cycles on the way.

The plan later on is to go cheer on the Olympic torch as it heads into Cannon Hill park this evening. Hopefully there will be some crowdy, cheery pictures published here later! (Have just looked at the live feed - looks like fun!) Leaves me wishing I had a vuvuzela...

By the by, I had a good level of success at the shops yesterday: I will now be fully clothed for a full working week!

Wedges Bakery
Red Kite Cycles
Olympic Torch Relay

Friday 29 June 2012

What a storm!

Wowee! We had an immense storm here yesterday morning. The whole sky darkened, and lightning and thunder bolts abounded. The rain fell like it was angry with the ground! Cue lots of flash floods and leaky patches of houses. I don't remember a storm that has lasted that long in a very long while. I really enjoy storms, particularly as I was able to watch from indoors... The most peculiar thing was that it was very hot in the afternoon - very overdressed outing into Shirley in the afternoon, testing out the new bus pass.

Some of you might recall the following photograph of my Vancouver wet weather kit. It would have been of no use at all yesterday! Wonder if I'll need it today? Realised that I have precisely three formal work tops, so am venturing into Birmingham city centre. Wish me luck!
Vancouver 2011 Fall Fashion

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Keep it loose!

The way to go for knot-tying (and undoing...) is definitely 'keep it loose'! Having started a knotted key ring a little while ago, I tied it way too tight, and therefore had a huge gaping hole where neatly knotted cord should have been. I decided to do away with this version of the keyring and untie it, and begin afresh.

Beginning afresh did not go so well. So I began afresh anew! This time, I kept it loose, and didn't plop the little wooden ball that provides its shape until I'd tightened it a bit more than during previous efforts. This succeeded, and the knot flew along! One last look over the instructions, and the keyring was completed. Cutting off the ends of the string is a big moment for a knitter. Once it's cut, it's cut. So now I have a new keyring!

Have a Go Kits available from NB Progress, TrAction Training HQ
International Guild of Knot Tyers
The offending hole

Seamonster? No! De-knotting!

Can you guess the location of this wing mirror? (By the way, it's a small wing mirror, not a giant knot!)

In its rightful home... minus keys!

Monday 25 June 2012

Tonight's dinner

Had to trim my basil plant a little too much for tonight's dinner...
By the way, it doesn't grow sideways...


On walkabout in Stratford Upon Avon today (yes, I'm spending a lot of time there at the moment!):

  • 'Fairy rings' - fungi growths, two next to each other
  • Super-modern luxury house, next door to a Victorian Semi with croquet posts laid out on the front lawn!
  • Narrowboat Progress, dropped by to say hello to TrAction Training folks on my way home
Also, shock, horror, it was quite sunny! Lovely.

Sunday 24 June 2012


A brief post just to compliment one of the staff members at the climbing wall yesterday. They don't patrol, and they don't police, which allows for a very relaxed environment. However, upon seeing a lady performing a belay in a not particularly safe manner, a tutor for the Saturday 'crag rats' childrens' climbing club paused as he walked past her, noticing the fault, and hesitating as he watched her letting her son down the last few metres of his abseil. After the boy was on the ground, he just motioned to the lady that perhaps she amend her practice slightly, as it was a more safe method to use, explaining exactly why. I didn't hear what he said, but saw the gestures. He was doing absolutely the right thing, and hopefully she will have taken that advice and used it.

Later on I noticed a gentleman assembling his climbing harness, which looked a little too elderly. What people can forget is that this relatively inexpensive piece of kit is technically Personal Protective Equipment, and therefore should be in perfect condition. He probably considered that it was, but how many falls can one harness take? Apparently, the staff at the centre have in the past banned people from using old equipment. I found myself hoping that one of them would notice and politely, but firmly steer this gent in the direction of something new! If you wouldn't wear a harness, don't lend it to a friend!

(Just had a quick google of lifespans of harnesses, and the general advice is 5 years max, and 2 years of regular use. If you've stored it in perfect conditions for 10 years, retire the equipment. Useful PPE checking tool here.)

OK, so this post turned out longer than expected. One more thing of note: the best samosas to be had ANYWHERE are located at the Milans sweet shop on Stoney Lane. They also do brilliant curries and sweets. But the samosas are just the best around. Say yes to the dips. Buy them warm, and buy more than you want - they freeze well.

Milan Sweet Centre
Crag Rats climbing clubs for kids
Petzl checking of PPE guidance

Saturday 23 June 2012

Creation Indoor Climbing Wall

Before you get excited, I attended the Creation Climbing Centre as official photographer to a group of friends who did the actual climbing. I have some photos, but as you may remember from the previous blog, I don't publish (recognisable) photos of people I know unless I have their permission. However, having taken my camera (woefully inadequate to accommodate the wide angles and adjustment for low lighting) I took some pics of nearby buildings. I always find it interesting to see evidence of former uses of buildings. My favourite example of this is Witley Court - a now derelict stately home, where there are stone fireplace surrounds two storeys up.

Slightly surprised at how many scooter riders had turned up at the skate park desk this morning - they were everywhere! Hadn't realised how big scooter trick riding had become.
Exterior - skate park side

External building - will they ever find a use for it?

Entrance to the climbing centre and skate park

External building

Can you find the fireplace?

Figure of eight rewoven with a stopper knot
Creation Climbing Centre
Witley Court

Diamond Decades by Queensbridge Musical Theatre Society

Well, last night I went to Manderley again, no wait, hang on, wrong text! I saw Queensbridge Musical Theatre Society's annual show at the Solihull Arts Complex. Last year, I took part in their Thoroughly Modern Millie, which was an absolute blast. It was lovely to have the opportunity to watch what they had produced this year, and to catch up with friends. The following is hardly a review, just the sharing of my enjoyment of a really fun show.

Rather than the usual brought-in show, they invented a story to link in with the Diamond Jubilee, which followed 60 years in a family's lives. Diamond Decades included many many show songs from each decade that linked in with the story. I wonder if you can guess what songs were featured, when I write that two of the main characters were called Maria and Janet?!

The concept worked really well and there were some stand-out performances, amongst a cast that shared the main few roles. This was a great way of allowing more people a share of the spotlight, than the norm of just a few principal roles. I really enjoyed their version of 'Aquarius' from Hair, fully clothed, but with some excellent wig choices for the gents - utterly hilarious. Sit down, you're rocking the boat was very funny too. Jill and Lucy had the song of the show - they always sing well together. There was a young boy who performed a solo piece early on - what a star! Lovely to see children some welcomed and included in many of the chorus pieces. A song performed in accapella style was superb - a great way to showcase performers.  It certainly made me homesick for performing! 

Curiously, we were sat by a gent who had evidently never been to a theatrical show before. His lack of theatre etiquette made a few people sat by us a bit fidgety and cross (opening and eating a packet of crisps just as the show began, fiddling with his mobile phone, commenting during and after each song, and clapping before songs had finished) but when the lights went up for the interval, he asked if that was the end of the show. After that, I felt a bit more well disposed to treat him well - don't put people off live theatre! It was really quite shocking to meet someone who clearly has never been to a theatre show before, particularly as he wasn't very young. The best bit about this anecdote is that although his behaviour was that of the most annoying variety,  he genuinely loved the show. Indeed, he supplied his own standing ovation! He was really impressed with the quality of the performance - what a fantastic experience for your first time!

The show is on TODAY only, at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Tickets are about £10 and can be purchased at the door, at Solihull Arts Complex. This is located out the doors of Touchwood shopping centre, between Druckers and Subway! Do go along if you can. 

Links from today
Queensbridge Musical Theatre Society website
Queensbridge Musical Theatre Society Twitter account
Queensbridge Musical Theatre Society facebook page

A few little things, observed

Well, as other half was not working this week, we had a day out in Stratford Upon Avon. Drive to a secret freebie parking spot, (there was no way I was going to make it to Stratford on two wheels) then a short cycle into the town centre, where we met up with Narrowboat Progress, and saw it safely through a few locks before it moored. Progress is the current HQ for TrAction Training, who received lots of interest in their 'Have a Go' kits while we were there. Fantastically sunny day made for some great pictures.

In other news, there was a fox in the garden, and a mallard on the roof of a nearby house. Slightly peculiar. At dinner with some newly arrived Australian friends earlier in the week, the only BYO was a chair! I also began a knitting project which you can see by clicking here. I think I've done it a bit wrong though, so will have to call on knitting guru to help me out! No tangles, no knots, but not right either! I use the Ravelry website to find patterns, and having been given some very attractive green wool, I picked this 'travelling woman' shawl pattern. Not quite up to the standard it requires, but I can see now how it grows, I look forward to getting it right!

For ease, the links from today:
Traction Training - First Aid, Professional Training and Leisure Learning.
Travelling Woman shawl pattern
Ravelry - If you knit, you need this website!

Narrowboat Progress descending in the lock

Rag rugging efforts on display

Giant dragonfly on the roof

The reason I'm glad we didn't cycle all the way

Going under the bridge

Someone forgot to trim the hedge

NB Progress - view of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

Mobile me!

Rear view of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and Swan Theatre

Monday 18 June 2012

Chief Appreciator is now MOBILE!

Thanks to a generous parent, Chief Appreciator (that would be me) is now (well, will be on Thursday) a card-carrying Midlands Bus user! Roll on things to do around the Midlands. I remember being astonished a few years back that I could pay for a bus ticket that went from Merry Hill shopping centre to Birmingham city centre, which would be the same price as literally a few stops down a short road. Slightly barking system, but is useful for those with a long bus journey on one route. (Oyster cards - so much more sensible...)

Sunday 17 June 2012

The Three Counties Show

Location: Three Counties Showground at Malvern
Date: Saturday 16 June 2012
Purpose: Everything agricultural

There were animals: 
Rabbits. Guinea Pigs. Turkeys. Chickens. Bantams. Ducks. Sheep. Pigs. Bulls, Cows and Calves. Alpacas. Horses. Pygmy goats. Racing pigeons. Hunting Dogs, Gun Dogs. Owls, Falcons, miscellaneous birds of prey. Bees.
There were shows:
Trick riding. Engines, forging, pole-climbing. Showjumping.
There was food:
Lots and lots of food. (We had Welsh oggies - very nice, and a Yorkshire fruit cake - really nice!)
There was weather:
Serious amounts of rain. £15 wellies purchased on site. Seeking out tents to avoid torrential downpours.

Being a total townie, there was much excitement when the Tamworth Pig took off running during judging. Also much amazement at sheep that resembled horses. And the most enormous bull  and cow I have ever seen. And much 'aw'ing at the pygmy goats snuggled up together to sleep. And I've never seen so many weird and wonderful varieties of chicken!

Quite a fun day out!

Three Counties Show website
Rare Breeds Survival Trust

An Introduction

Hello folks.
Back in the UK following 9 months abroad (see my other blog for the details), and still seeking work, I'm flexing my creative writing muscles by appreciating the UK in prose. We brought sunshine back with us when we arrived on 6 May, but our weather fortune appears to have evaporated. The Midlands are currently pretty soggy. So soggy I bought wellies yesterday. Good old green dunlops, but I plan to decorate them. Sparkles have been mentioned. They also require some form of additional support in the footbed. Anyway.
I intend to celebrate the UK. It seems apt, what with the Queen's jubilee happening a week or two ago, and with the Olympics just around the corner. And the England football squad won a match on Friday during Euro 2012. Better than expected! I like the UK, I'm glad to be home, and I'd like to share that enthusiasm, as I experience it.
Here goes...