Busy little weekend! Saturday was a jaunt out to Leamington Spa to attend the Latin festival hosted by
HabanaLoko. Fabulous weather ensured a big turnout, and we enjoyed our friend's dance performance as well as the spontaneous salsa moves by various groups in the pump room gardens. The samba performance left me wanting to go and find the nearest music shop and buy the biggest, noisiest drum possible! (Maybe once I can afford it...)
Sunday brought iffy weather and a jaunt down the the University of Birmingham with some friends to take part in the Birmingham
skyride - a closed-road course of about 10km with 17,985 other cyclists! I liked the kid with the shark-shaped helmet, the knight and princess and their trusty steeds, and the man dressed as easy rider! We managed two laps, bolstered by freebie fruit and malt loaf, but flopped for a leisurely pub garden lunch later. Long naps were required after our return! Hope the chap with the compound fracture to his wrist feels better today...
The clock tower |
A few of the be-bibbed cyclists and the newest addition to the red brick semi-circle |
Sky ride events